Los Juegos Mediterráneos: diálogo, política internacional y promoción socioeconómica


  • F. Xavier Medina Instituto Europeo del Mediterráneo (IEMed)




Mediterranean Games, Sports, Dialogue, Politics, Economy


The Mediterranean Games, insofar as they are intended as a relevant international sporting event on the world scene, have belonged, since their inception in 1951, to a diffuse context. On the one hand, they are supposed to facilitate international understanding and cooperation; on the other, they must face a world of political ambitions, grievances and claims, regional conflict and social and economic differences within participating states. The author aims to review the different historical, social and cultural aspects of this sporting event in an always convulsive Mediterranean.


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How to Cite

Medina, F. X. (2006). Los Juegos Mediterráneos: diálogo, política internacional y promoción socioeconómica. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 61(2), 225–238. https://doi.org/10.3989/rdtp.2006.v61.i2.23




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