The return to intimacy and the practice of poetic arts. An essay on metropolitan intimacies (F. Cruces, 2022)




Intimacy, Subjectivity, Experience, Narrative, Poetics, Urban Anthropology


The turn towards intimacy and the encounter once again with subjectivity in large metropolises is a project of enormous reflexive power. It is not a new field for “Tientos Bibliográficos,” but it does force us to discuss previous concepts such as ordinary life, domestic life, and privacy. At the same time, it requires renewing the methodological tools and, inevitably, incorporating multimedia into the production of ethnography. The recording of experience seems to entail even more risks and requires even more imagination from whoever codifies and interprets it. Undoubtedly, presented in stories, however minuscule, it promises and provokes, especially if the poetic arts are perceived (and practiced and enjoyed) in those stories.


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How to Cite

Velasco, H. M. . (2024). The return to intimacy and the practice of poetic arts. An essay on metropolitan intimacies (F. Cruces, 2022). Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 79(1), e009.



Tientos bibliográficos