Anthropological Perspectives on the Relations between Nature and Culture


  • Pedro Tomé Grupo de Investigación Antropología Comparada de España y América ACEA. Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. CSIC.



Nature and culture, Cultural and Political Ecology, Ecological Anthropology, Environment


As a general introduction to the volume, the following pages are intended to show some of the main questions which, from its origins as a discipline, social and cultural anthropology has raised when reflecting upon the relationship between what the classics called “nature” and “culture”. The exploration of these relationships has been a constant for anthropologists from all theoretical orientations and trends, which means that responses to the problems have ranged from the consideration of both poles as substantive exclusionary entities, to considering them as final points of a continuum; from extrem biologicism to culturalism; from particularist ethnoecologies to universalizing approaches. Anyway, what is relevant to the multiple perspectives that are offered in this volume is that, in an era where environmental globalization is unquestionable, anthropology anchors its understanding of transculturality in finding solutions to environmental problems that have become part of everyday discussions of thousands of people around the world.


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How to Cite

Tomé, P. (2009). Anthropological Perspectives on the Relations between Nature and Culture. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 64(1), 7–22.


