Social Change and Cultural Values in a Small Community


  • Ricardo Sanmartín Arce Depto. de Antropología Social. Facultad de C. Políticas y Sociología. Universidad Complutense



Social Change, Cultural Values, Women, Dependency, Conflicts, Fishermen, Albufera


This article describes how social change has affected the cultural values in a small community of fishermen in the Albufera Lake of Valencia. Industrial development, tourism, new employment and jobs changed the ecology of the lake, the mutual dependency among neighbours and the efficiency of old cultural values to orient social interaction. Both the new role played by of women and the Spanish Constitution of 1978 lie at the basis of new conflicts which are at once a challenge and an opportunity for the emergence of new horizons.


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How to Cite

Sanmartín Arce, R. (2008). Social Change and Cultural Values in a Small Community. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 63(2), 243–259.




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