Meaning and Affliction in Relation to Child Malnutrition. Experience and Narrativity among the Ch’orti’ of Guatemala


  • Lorenzo Mariano Juárez Universidad de Extremadura



Malnutrition, Ch’orti’, Narrativity, Experience, Guatemala


In opposition to the biomedical discourse, the Ch’orti’ construction of malnutrition—the indigenous version of illness—has been shaped through representations that highlight «lack of care» and maternal responsibility rather than «lack of food.» This paper explores the ethnography of malnutrition in this region of eastern Guatemala, through an analysis of the relationship between the narratives and experiences of mothers with children who have suffered from malnutrition. Despite energetic attempts at «health and nutrition education,» the narratives tend to place the biomedical discourse of caloric balances in a marginal position. The ethnography proposed here seeks to provide clues to understanding this issue, tackling the density of its meaning and defining malnutrition as a matter of symbolic and political balances.


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How to Cite

Mariano Juárez, L. (2015). Meaning and Affliction in Relation to Child Malnutrition. Experience and Narrativity among the Ch’orti’ of Guatemala. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 70(1), 119–139.




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