La calidad en la investigación antropológica


  • Ricardo Sanmartín Arce Departamento de Antropología Social. Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Anthropological research, Empirical research, Quality, Complexity, Specificity, Truth


The author addresses a rather basic and initial problem met in empirical research: the quality of ethnographic data. The very first steps in empirical research are crucial for the truth and goodness of any results and conclusions; yet, as tutorial experience shows, many wrong attitudes are unfortunately so frequent as to call for some reflexive thought on vices of research as well as on qualities of good quality research. The poverty of ethnographic data, unable to say something meaningful about the truthful life of the social actors, is one of these vices which can be overcome and resolved if the observer learns how to pay attention to the otherness, complexity and specificity of culture. A good quality research results from a sound respect for the imperious reality and otherness of the actors’ culture and society, while rightfully perceiving a truly relevant human problem.


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How to Cite

Sanmartín Arce, R. (2007). La calidad en la investigación antropológica. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 62(2), 7–20.




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