Paul Rabinow and the anthropology of the contemporary




Rabinow, Foucault, Contemporary, Ethics, Collaborative Anthropology


Throughout the last twenty years of his life, Paul Rabinow worked together with his collaborators on the design and testing of an Anthropology of the Contemporary. This anthropology seeks to remediate the logic of inquiry, as well as its venues, its ways of working (in a collaborative manner), and the ethos to conduct the research and bios of the inquirers. This article presents a global vision of the trajectory of one of the most outstanding anthropologists, focusing on his aforementioned project. Approaching his work, it will be possible, in turn, to identify some of the reasons that produce a certain stasis in the current state of the discipline.


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How to Cite

Fernández de Rota, A. (2023). Paul Rabinow and the anthropology of the contemporary. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 78(1), e004.


