“Where Do They Think They Go?”: An Ethnography of Mothers with Deceased Children on Communication after Death





Mourning, Mothers with deceased children, Psy sciences, Spiritual beings, Ethnography of the intangible


Grieving processes in our society have been a subject of study in all the disciplines attached to the psychological sciences, while anthropology has only devoted its efforts to the ritual practices that come with mourning. In this text I suggest a revision of these approaches as a result of an ethnographic study of Catholic mothers whose children have died. During the process of recovering a sense of meaning, mothers were still in touch with their deceased children, and this proves to be a key element in acknowledging the loss. This fact led me to opt for an ethnography between absence and permanence, treating these ontologically fluid beings through an anthropology of the intangible. To that end, these spiritual beings had to be reconsidered theoretically, methodologically and epistemologically with reference to authors in tune with the so-called ontological turn.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Villalón, L. (2020). “Where Do They Think They Go?”: An Ethnography of Mothers with Deceased Children on Communication after Death. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 75(2), e018. https://doi.org/10.3989/dra.2020.018


