Death in the Cathedral: Ashes and Funerary Rites in Football Stadiums




Death, Ritual, Football, Identity, Iconicity


An important aspect of funerary rites and modern, Western mortuary practices has been a shift from religious-institutional settings to private and secular ones. Nevertheless, there still exist performative responses, like spreading the ashes of dead fans in sport stadiums, which continue to define death as a social relation situated in a cultural system of wider symbolic obligations. Spreading ashes in football stadiums is believed to have consequences for the future of the community. There are three factors that turn stadiums into pertinent places for the re-ritualization of modern death: emotion, identity, and iconicity. The intense emotional experiences, family traditions, collective narratives, and the transformative power of liminal space allow fans to imagine their own transition from dead to alive, and their continuing presence in the social order.


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How to Cite

Vaczi, M. (2019). Death in the Cathedral: Ashes and Funerary Rites in Football Stadiums. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 74(2), e020.


