Arquitectura corporal: pasiones deportivas e identificaciones estéticas


  • Carmen Marina Barreto Vargas Universidad de La Laguna



Construction of the Body, Sports, Sporting Physical Activity, Aesthetics


In present-day societies, prevailing discourses on health, body and aesthetics regard the practice of sports as both a lifestyle and a way to constructing the body —a body increasingly constrained within certain standards of beauty in which the gender factor plays a clearly important role. The author analyzes this and other factors in the relationship between the body as a social construct and the sporting physical activity as a means that makes it possible.


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How to Cite

Barreto Vargas, C. M. (2006). Arquitectura corporal: pasiones deportivas e identificaciones estéticas. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 61(2), 59–77.


