What we say about what we do depending on the listener. An analysis about the variations in the informant´s speech and its usage in our ethnographic work





Speech analysis, Ethnography, Social methodology, Discourse, Informants


In this paper we reflect on the possibilities to include in our ethnographic work other sources not from our own fieldwork, as tv interview, formal speech in front of evaluators or similar agents; we analyze the variations of the contents in these speeches and the position we have to place about it as ethnographers. A phenomenon that, usually is avoided in our research as ethnographers, but we have to bear in mind as anthropologists. We will use our own experience in the fieldwork and the fieldnotes in opposition to the discourses produced to the tv interview. We study these changings based on the Whetherell and Potter´s speech analysis, the context situation, the Goffman´s role studies or the habitus concept by Bourdieu. A reflection about the importance of the speech analysis in our research and how we could bear in mind in our ethnographic work.


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How to Cite

Alcalde Sánchez, I. . (2022). What we say about what we do depending on the listener. An analysis about the variations in the informant´s speech and its usage in our ethnographic work. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 77(2), e033. https://doi.org/10.3989/dra.2022.033


