Listening to objects




Narrative, Materiality, Object, Stories, Everyday life, Intimacy


This experimental section includes some parts of the performative event “The materiality of transformations: Listening to objects”, which closed the 14th SIEF conference held in Santiago de Compostela in 2019. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Regina Bendix, Dorothy Noyes, Sharon Roseman and Francisco Cruces conversed on stage about the cultural meanings of a selection of personal objects. By unveiling the stories contained in mezuzahs, hair, a serving platter and a shawl, they put the methodological power of the object/story couplet to the test. The benefits of articulating narrativity with materiality; the silent power of things in everyday life; the embedded character of storytelling, and some of its affective, moral and celebratory virtues were highlighted. The final event can be seen at <> from minute 00:52:50 to 01:31:00.


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How to Cite

Bendix, R. F. ., Noyes, D. ., Roseman, S. R. ., & Cruces, F. . (2021). Listening to objects. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 76(1), e005.



In the Wild