Tourism as a Context




Tourism, Desire, Consumption, Territory, Social Practices


In addition to being an exogenous agent that affects social processes, we approach the socio-anthropological study of tourism as the context in which social practices occur and through which those same practices acquire meaning, especially in those territories where tourism practices are part of everyday life. In order to understand both situations, we present an operational definition of tourism –a socio-anthropological object of study—as a set of socio-technological practices and devices that ideolog-ically manages a compromise between what is desirable and what is possible to facilitate tourist travel. A diagram reflects this proposal starting from the triad desire-consumption-territory, and it contemplates some of the dynamics that occur in tourist contexts.


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How to Cite

Nogués Pedregal, A. M. (2020). Tourism as a Context. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 75(1), e001c.



Temas emergentes – Presente y futuro de la antropología del turismo. Agustín Santana-Talavera (coord.)