Exploring the possibilities and potentialities of a feminist ethnography





Patchwork, Feminist Ethnography, Caring Thinking, Reflectivity, Intersubjectivity, Embodiment


Feminist ethnography is presented as patchwork, a strategic interweaving of diverse mestizo and subaltern knowledge from which to write, narrate, converse, testify and act with Caring Thinking. The way in which the different authors incorporate reflexivity and intersubjectivity into their ethnographies is also considered.


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How to Cite

Gregorio Gil, C. (2019). Exploring the possibilities and potentialities of a feminist ethnography. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 74(1), e002a. https://doi.org/10.3989/dra.2019.01.002.01



Emergent Ethnography - Feminist Ethnographies. Carmen Gregorio Gil (coord.)

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