Las enfermedades populares en la cultura española actual: un estudio comparado sobre el mal de ojo


  • Roberta D. Baer University of South Florida
  • Susan C. Weller University of Texas
  • Juan Carlos González Faraco Universidad de Huelva
  • Josefa Feria Martín Diputación Provincial de Huelva



Folk Illness, Folk Medicine, Evil Eye, Spanish Culture, Latin American Culture


It might be assumed that in a situation of universal access to biomedical health care, as is the case in contemporary Spain, folk illness beliefs would have vanished. Field research conducted in the spring of 2004 in Andalusia showed considerable knowledge in the general population about a number of folk illnesses, including mal de ojo (evil eye). Based on a focus group conducted with traditional healers, as well as in-depth interviews with specialists in mal de ojo, in-depth interviews with lay people who believe in this illness, and review of archival materials, this paper describes the contemporary explanatory model of mal de ojo and offers some hypotheses as to why beliefs in this illness, and other folk illnesses, persist.


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How to Cite

Baer, R. D., Weller, S. C., González Faraco, J. C., & Feria Martín, J. (2006). Las enfermedades populares en la cultura española actual: un estudio comparado sobre el mal de ojo. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 61(1), 139–156.


