Worship and Profanation of the Holy Doubt of Ivorra (La Segarra, Lleida)
Anticlericalism, Iconoclasm, Civil War, Religious Violence, Sacrament, Ritual, RelicsAbstract
In the summer of 1936, one of many episodes of religious violence that took place during the first moments of the Spanish Civil War occurred in Ivorra, a small village in the county of Segarra in Lleida, Catalonia). When a group of militia pickets from the county capital arrived on one of the acts of destruction of religious artefacts common at that time, the local anti-fascist committee refused to hand over an object of special value: the shrine that, even today, continues to hold the relics of the Holy Doubt (Sant Dubte), a miracle recorded more than nine centuries earlier involving the mystical truth of Eucharistic transubstantiation. The history of this profanation attempt and the relic’s subsequent fate give us an insight into the way in which modernity has struggled to disable the power of ritual to transcend the symbolic sphere, and to become effective in 20th-century Spain and beyond.
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