Building the Past, Reproducing the Present: Identity and Archaeology in the Historic Recreations of Indigenous Peoples versus Romans in Northwestern Spain


  • Pablo Alonso González University of Cambridge
  • David González Álvarez Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Historic Reenactments, Memory, Identity Building, Spanish Administrative Framework, Cultural Heritage, Public Archaeology


The development of a quasi-federal administrative framework based on Regional Governments (Comunidades Autónomas) after the restoration of democracy in Spain, has led to the proliferation of narratives about the past that seek to legitimize the new administrative structures and homogenize their identity formations so as to reinforce their internal social cohesion. This process is paralleled by a growing public interest in the past and its staging through historical reenactments. The paper analyzes the connection between both processes in three historical recreations in northwest Spain. Also, it considers the reenactments as spaces where academic knowledge reaches and is assumed in multiple ways by the public. Despite the events seem to be largely neutral at first sight, our research suggests that they are actually highly ideologically charged.


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How to Cite

Alonso González, P., & González Álvarez, D. (2013). Building the Past, Reproducing the Present: Identity and Archaeology in the Historic Recreations of Indigenous Peoples versus Romans in Northwestern Spain. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 68(2), 305–330.


