Expert Representations on Individual Candidates in Adoption Processes


  • María Isabel Jociles Universidad Complutense
  • Ana María Rivas Universidad Complutense
  • David Poveda Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Single-Parent Families, Single Mothers by Choice (SMC), Adoption, Risk Group, Social Representations


In Spain, there is a national-level legal framework that provides for adoption by single people. In fact, when the Spanish Civil Code discusses who can adopt, it refers to individual subjects, not couples, either married or simply cohabiting. In contrast to this legal acknowledgement, the reproductive rights of single women who adopt are curtailed by certain restrictive regional regulation and technical-administrative acts that take place during the adoption process. These regulations and administrative acts are reflected in expert knowledge about adoption and in professionals’ representations and reasoning regarding single women who adopt and their family plans. The idea that single parenthood is a risk factor for successful adoption is part of the imaginary that professionals (especially social workers and psychologists) use to assess the suitability and eligibility of single-parent adopters. This imaginary includes preconceptions about women who are alone as well as the consequences of single parenthood on children’s welfare.


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How to Cite

Jociles, M. I., Rivas, A. M., & Poveda, D. (2012). Expert Representations on Individual Candidates in Adoption Processes. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 67(2), 535–558.


