The Nature of Women's Work and its Representation in the Spanish Folk Ballad La noble porquera
Folk Ballad, Family, Daughter-in-law, Mother-in-law, Work, PunishmentAbstract
This article deals with the depiction of women’s work found in the traditional ballad La noble porquera / La porquerola. Firstly, the story is analyzed from an anthropological perspective. Then, the causes and consequences derived from the conflict between mother-in-law and daughterin- law have been examined. This clash is actually the trigger of the plot, which results in the burden of work thrown upon the young wife. The next aim of this study is to determine why those particular duties are seen as a punishment in the ballad. In order to do this, we consider the sociocultural circumstances in which the ballad was passed on; for instance, the fact that many ballad informants worked doing the same tasks that were criticized in the story (like breeding the cattle). Finally, we set out some conclusions about the impact of the socioeconomic background on the oral tradition and the nature and scope of the anthropological analysis in literature.
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