Africa: Colonized Bodies, Bodies as Identities


  • Josep Martí Institució Milà i Fontanals. CSIC. Barcelona



Body, Colonization, Africa, Clothing, Body Modification


Given the great importance that all society attach to the body, regarding its conceptualization as well as the criteria for its social presentation, it is not surprising at all that the body occupies a central place in the processes of colonization and colonial policies. This article, based on the new approaches of postcolonial studies, as well as on anthropological and sociological theory on the body in general, discusses the relationship we can establish between coloniality and the social presentation of the body. Drawing on concrete cases of European colonization in Africa, the article focuses on practices related to the use of clothing as well as body modification. If the establishment of identities is crucial for building a hierarchical social order, these specific aspects of the social presentation of the body have had an important role in subalternization processes, the very notion of savage being one of the clearest examples.


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How to Cite

Martí, J. (2012). Africa: Colonized Bodies, Bodies as Identities. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 67(1), 319–346.


