Peer Review Process

Disparidades. Revista de Antropología will acknowledge receipt of the originals sent by the authors.
The Editorial Board may reject an article, without the need to proceed to its evaluation, when it considers that it does not meet the standards, both in terms of form and content or does not fall within the thematic scope of the journal.

All the texts of the main sections of the journal, «Articles», «Cartographies» and «Emerging themes», will be submitted to an external review process according to the "peer" and "double-blind" system in which at least two reviewers external to the journal will participate. The reviewers will be scholars of recognized standing and specialists in the field. The anonymity of both the author and the reviewers will be maintained; nevertheless, the lists of external reviewers of the journal in previous years will be published periodically, with prior authorization.

As a general rule, the rest of the occasional sections will be reviewed and evaluated by the Editorial Board of the journal, although they may be sent for external evaluation by blind peers if, in the opinion of the Board, the text so requires.

Authors will be informed of the final acceptance or rejection of the article.

Each published article will indicate the dates of receipt, approval, and publication.

The Editorial Board will make the final decision, taking into account the external reviews, on the publication or rejection of each article.