Videos for neural networks: the negotiation of success with the Youtube recommendation system




YouTube, YouTubers, Artificial intelligence, Neural networks, SEO


Applications based on Artificial Intelligence increasingly mediate our relationship with the environment, giving rise to the emergence of adaptive processes with ethical and anthropological implications that are just beginning to be glimpsed. This text examines some of them through the case of youtubers. Youtubers are confronted daily with recommendation systems controlled by artificial neural networks that decide the fate of their productions, and many try to understand their functioning in order to gain advantage and get them “on their side”. The role of Artificial Intelligence is theorized by analyzing the speeches and practices of youtubers in front of these “algorithms”. It is hypothesized that they pressure participants to adhere to YouTube’s business model, turning their productions into offerings for the neural networks.


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How to Cite

Morillo Najarro, A. (2023). Videos for neural networks: the negotiation of success with the Youtube recommendation system. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 78(1), e003.


