Tourism and the Construction of Urban Landscapes




Social Production of Space, Social Relations, Mobilities, Policies, Exclusions


Contemporary tourism studies highlight the role of the mobilities and practices of the new generation of city consumers in the construction of urban tourist areas. This paper suggests that research should also address the role played by public administrations in the creation of attractive destinations. This analytical framework focuses on research into public policies that seek to channel global tourism flows for local development purposes. At the same time, it points out that destinations are located in temporary places, which requires adopting a diachronic view that addresses the exclusions, adaptations and social reactions inherent to the production processes of the tourist space.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Ramírez, J. (2020). Tourism and the Construction of Urban Landscapes. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 75(1), e001d.



Temas emergentes – Presente y futuro de la antropología del turismo. Agustín Santana-Talavera (coord.)