Tourism, an Object of Study for Social Anthropology




Anthropology of Tourism, Applied Anthropology, Tourism Encounters, Image, Cultural Heritage


At the margins are opportunities for innovation and growth for social anthropology. And tourism was, forty years ago, one of those interstitial apparitions that anthropologists and anthropologists faced in their field research. Contributing later to its epistemological constitution, today it is recognized as an object of study, dynamic, transversal and continuously suggestive. This process has led to the involvement of anthropology in the transfer of its contributions to the institutional and business spheres, as well as to the social sphere. The tourist encounter, the image and the cultural heritage, are three of the subfields that show an important potential for job development in the short term. The adaptation and methodological renewal to understand the tourist system opens the future to the construction of scenarios and, with it, to predictive action on socio-economic and socio-cultural situations.


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How to Cite

Santana-Talavera, A. (2020). Tourism, an Object of Study for Social Anthropology. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 75(1), e001a.



Temas emergentes – Presente y futuro de la antropología del turismo. Agustín Santana-Talavera (coord.)