Exoticism and colonial education. The guinean as a curiosity in the trade fairs of Valencia, 1942-1948





Exhibitions, Guinea, Exoticism, Colonialism, Francoism


The aim of this article is to analyse the presence of Guinea in the trade fairs that were held in Valencia during the 1940s, in which, according to the doctrine of Hispanicity, the colony was delimited as a territory to be ‘civilized’, namely Christian­ized and Hispanicized. The rhetoric of National-Catholicism was of vital importance in the public discourse linking trade and mission. To that end, the strategy chosen by organizers was to put the spotlight on the natural resources of the colony and its inhabitants, in particular the Fang people of continental Guinea. The interest of the Valencian trade fairs is twofold. On the one hand, they allow us to understand the dynamics set in motion by the Francoist government in its bid to arouse Spanish enthusiasm for colo­nial affairs in the years immediately following the end of the Spanish Civil War and during World War II. On the other, they are another piece in a puzzle that seemed to have been completed in Spain with the ethnological exhibitions of the Guineans at the Ibero-American Exposition of Seville in 1929.


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How to Cite

López Sanz, H. G. (2020). Exoticism and colonial education. The guinean as a curiosity in the trade fairs of Valencia, 1942-1948. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 75(1), e008. https://doi.org/10.3989/dra.2020.008


