En torno a la contaminación de las leyendas sobre el burlador de la ofensa de la calavera y las mujeres (El mito de don Juan y las bilinas rusas sobre Vaska Buslaev y Aliosha Popovich)


  • Vsevolod Bagnó Instituto de Literatura Rusa. Academia Rusa de Ciencias




There are two cycles of the folk-songs in russian folk-lore, on the crossing of which could be born a creature like the play Burlador de Sevilla y el Convidado de Piedra arising from the combination of the same two topics. One of them is the legend about the insult of the skull and another is the legend about the seduction of women. I mean on the one hand the bilina about Vaska Buslaiev's trip in Jerusalem and his death and on the second hand two bilinas about Aliosha Popovich: about his unlucky attempt of marriage and about Aliosha and Zbrodovichi's sister. In the people's consciousness they were crossing and mixing, but the full uniting did not take place. The demand of that combination did not arise, because both topic lines were versatile, as it was in Burlador de Sevilla.


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How to Cite

Bagnó, V. (1992). En torno a la contaminación de las leyendas sobre el burlador de la ofensa de la calavera y las mujeres (El mito de don Juan y las bilinas rusas sobre Vaska Buslaev y Aliosha Popovich). Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 47(1), 193–201. https://doi.org/10.3989/rdtp.1992.v47.i1.248


