Journal Sections

Section open to unpublished manuscripts that may deal with different areas of social and cultural anthropology that fall within the editorial scope of the journal:

The original manuscripts submitted to the «Articles» section should be between 8000 and 9000 words in length. Once accepted, the Editorial Board may exceptionally authorize the extension of the originals up to a maximum of 10,000 words if required by the adjustments requested by the reviewers.

Articles will be evaluated using the double-blind peer review system.

Cartografías (Cartographies)
In the «Cartographies» section we publish articles that address the state of the question in different fields of social and cultural anthropology, with an international scope but giving ample space to the contributions in Spanish. The cartographies will include the review of already consolidated lines of research on the anthropological field under examination, as well as the analysis of the most novel emerging perspectives.

As a general rule, cartographies will be commissioned by the Editorial Board. Proposals (2-3 pages describing approach and content) are welcome but must be evaluated and approved by the Editorial Board.

Texts in the «Cartographies» section shall have a maximum of 18,000 words.

Cartographies will be evaluated using the double-blind peer review system.

Temas emergentes (Emerging themes)
The «Emerging Themes» section consists of a multi-authored text that discusses current ethnographic and social issues with a public-oriented approach.

As a general rule, emerging themes are commissioned by the Editorial Board. Proposals (2-3 pages) are welcome but must be evaluated and approved by the Editorial Board.

Texts proposed for the «Emerging Themes» section will have a maximum of 18,000 words in the section as a whole, regardless of the number of contributions they include.

Emerging themes will be evaluated using the double-blind peer review system.

En tierra de nadie (In the Wild)
The «In the Wild» section will include texts that, due to their special characteristics, do not fit in the other sections. Texts in this section will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board.

En pocas palabras (In a Few Words)
The «In a Few Words» section can include contemporary ethnography—including work in progress—, encourage reflection, debate, and critique of articles published in previous issues, reviews of academic congresses, or news relevant to the discipline.

Texts for the «In a Few Words» section will be between 2000 and 2500 words. As a general rule, this section will be commissioned by the Editorial Board. Proposals are accepted but must be evaluated by the Editorial Board. The texts in this section will be submitted for evaluation by the Editorial Board.

Fuentes y testimonios (Sources and Testimonies)
The «Sources and Testimonies» section includes unpublished work with testimonial value, which, even where it does not explicitly deal with ethnographic reflection, nevertheless contributes to it; this may include unpublished documents on contexts where a relevant contribution is made to contemporary social anthropology, interviews, obituaries, etc.

Tientos bibliográficos (Review-essays)
The section «Tientos bibliográficos» inclides bibliographical essays on one or more books. In the case of a single book, the essay is expected to discuss the contribution beyond its specific content, in relation to the relevant context of scientific production in the field of anthropology. In the case of several books, the essay will point out the contribution they make to scientific knowledge in the discipline, looking for common themes as well as differences.

As a general rule, this section will be commissioned by the Editorial Board. Proposals (2-3 pages) are admitted but must be evaluated by the Editorial Board. These articles will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board.

Texts for the section «Review essays» will be between 4000 and 5000 words.

Notas de libros (Book notes)
«Book Notes» consist of brief reviews of current publications. A critical rather than merely descriptive approach is especially valued. Book reviews will be commissioned and evaluated by the Editorial Board. Unsolicited reviews will not be accepted.

«Book Notes» should not exceed 2500 words.