“The Stimulants of the Spirit”: On The Regeneration and Revitalization of Nations


  • James W. Fernandez McClintock Departamento de Antropología. Universidad de Chicago




Revitalization, Regeneration, Categories of Understanding, Organic Metaphor, Theory of Degeneration, Theory of Generations, Aporia of Time, Homeostasis


Moving along in one’s course of life requires a certain will to socially participate with others in common projects; at least in those that lead to a better future. Yet the will is not a constant and often the spirit fails and the course is lost. The “wealth of nations” —as Adam Smith put it— is supposed to result from the fruition and success of those national projects, thence the logical inference that such projects depend upon the spirit and will of those citizens who participate in them. In the process, issues of proactive identity may become matters of concern and, in response, people as well as their society as a whole attempt “to revitalize” themselves. “Revitalization,” which is a concept of long term use in American anthropology, applies chiefly to the study of colonized societies and cultures; but it calls to mind the secular concern in Spain for the “regeneration” of the nation and the subsequent literature of regeneracionismo. The meaning of both concepts —“revitalization” and “regeneration”—, as well as the movements associated with one or the other, are closely contingent upon the political, social and personal context to which these movements belong.


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How to Cite

Fernandez McClintock, J. W. (2010). “The Stimulants of the Spirit”: On The Regeneration and Revitalization of Nations. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 65(1), 11–44. https://doi.org/10.3989/rdtp.2010.001


