Thinking the World, Practicing the Social Environment: Ethnographies and Reflections from an Anthropology of Territorialities


  • Beatriz Nates Cruz Grupo de Investigación Territorialidades. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas Universidad de Caldas



World, Social environment, Territory, Colombia, France, Spain


This article will anthropologically present and analyze the configurations and the forms taken by the definition and location of the world and the social environment as philosophical postulates, and as physical and geographical objectivations among different cultures: the natives and Yanaconas of the Colombian Massif, the “paisas” of the Central Colombian Andes, and the southern France and northern Spain inhabitants in their relationship with immigrants of northern Europe. Even though there is a cultural, physical and social distance, the contents will frequently have relational postures.


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How to Cite

Nates Cruz, B. (2009). Thinking the World, Practicing the Social Environment: Ethnographies and Reflections from an Anthropology of Territorialities. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 64(1), 277–296.


