Artistic Workshops as Research Devices with Adolescent Migrants




Adolescents, Migrants, Unaccompanied Foreign Minors, Artistic Workshops, Participatory Methodologies


Those of us who work with vulnerable populations, such as migrant teenagers, understand that classical research methods are deficient in certain ethical aspects of care and protection. With the intention of contributing to the advancement of research methodologies in social sciences’ approach to young migrants, we propose the use of artistic and participatory workshops. With this in mind, we conducted a workshop constructed around different artistic techniques, whose final products were a 17 minute documentary and an imaginary piece of cartography of Bilbao and Tangier. This allows us to reflect on the scope and challenges of new research approaches.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Pérez, K., & Morgade Salgado, M. (2018). Artistic Workshops as Research Devices with Adolescent Migrants. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 73(2), 365–385.


