Narratives of the Restructuring. Life Histories, Social Memory and Collective Action at Puerto Real Shipyard


  • Beltrán Roca Universidad de Sevilla
  • David Florido del Corral Universidad de Sevilla



Trade Unionism, Industrial Restructuring, Collective Action, Social Memory, Life Histories, Andalusia


This article explores the collective memory of the protests against the restructuring of the shipbuilding industry through the life histories of two organisers of the Spanish trade unions CCOO and CNT at Puerto Real shipyard. The unionists’ narratives focus on mobilization experiences against the second stage of the industrial restructuring (which took place in Puerto Real between 1986 and 1987). This episode has been chosen for its radicalism, innovation and social impact. Their life histories are used to study the role of social memory in collective action and to analyse the disputed terrain of trade unionism in Spain during the political transition and the consolidation of the democratic regime.


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How to Cite

Roca, B., & Florido del Corral, D. (2015). Narratives of the Restructuring. Life Histories, Social Memory and Collective Action at Puerto Real Shipyard. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 70(1), 11–33.


