The Body between Resistance and Assimilation: Embodiment Strategies and Bodily Itinerary of a latin King


  • Laura Porzio Institució Milà i Fontanals. CSIC. Barcelona



Embodiment, Dress, Tattoo, Biography, Youth Culture, Migration


This article focuses on the biographical account of King Manaba, who for many years was the Inca, the supreme leader of the latin King tribes in Catalonia and Spain. Referring to his biography, I will focus on the social presentation of the bodies of Manaba and the latin King, through their dress, adornments and tattoos. From a theoretical and analytical point of view, the body represents one of the main elements for the creation and diffusion of the imaginary of the so called “Latin gangs”. The body can be a stigma and create inequalities and, at the same time, a place of experiences, reflexion and resistance as an emblem. At the end, the article reflects on the tension and paradoxical relationship between resistance and assimilation practices in youth culture.


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How to Cite

Porzio, L. (2012). The Body between Resistance and Assimilation: Embodiment Strategies and Bodily Itinerary of a latin King. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 67(1), 85–114.


