In tabula graffiti as a means of communication: Authorship, space and receiver


  • Javier Muñoz-Basols University of Oxford



Communication, Graffiti, In tabula Graffiti, Public Space, Sociolinguistics, University Setting


Graffiti, as a means of expression, underscore the coexistence of diverse sociolinguistic and communicative parameters that offer intrinsic data about the sender and the world surrounding him/her. In this study I analyze graffiti specifically on university desks, or in tabula, a type of graffiti that has not been the subject of in-depth study, but which nevertheless possesses sociolinguistic characteristics that distinguish it from other similar expressions or manifestations. We will see how an iconic and verbal milieu constructed on a desk defines and linguistically conditions the authorship, the subject matter, and the intention of the message, as well as indicates the existence of a series of sociocultural parameters that define the field shared by the sender and the receiver. The sociohistorical information that can be traced on the desk —the channel or medium of communication— yields the concerns and anxieties of the epoch or time frame when the message was created, and thus corroborates the communicative and interpretative relevance of the in tabula graffiti.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Basols, J. (2010). In tabula graffiti as a means of communication: Authorship, space and receiver. Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 65(2), 389–426.


